Allan Quatermain = Аллан Квотермейн: роман на англ.яз - Haggard H.R.
Allan Quatermain = Allan Kvotermein: roman na angl.iaz
Haggard H.R. (Haggard H.R.)
Item ID : 1063350
SKU : VV1063350
ISBN : 9785521064328
Pages : 358
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2018
Publisher : Т8 RUGRAM ( T8 RUGRAM )
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Haggard H.R. (Haggard H.R.)
Item ID : 1063350
SKU : VV1063350
ISBN : 9785521064328
Pages : 358
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2018
Publisher : Т8 RUGRAM ( T8 RUGRAM )
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Краткая аннотация
A sequel to the famous novel King Solomon's Mines is based on author's own experience in the African continent. Quatermain has lost his only son and longs to get back into the wilderness. Having persuaded Sir Henry Curtis, Captain John Good, and the Zulu chief Umbopa to accompany him, they set out from the coast of east Africa, this time in search of a white race reputed to live north of Mount Kenya. They survive fierce encounters with Masai warriors, undergo a terrifying subterranean journey, and discover a lost civilization before being caught up in a passionate love-triangle that engulfs the country in a ferocious civil war.
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