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Тарковские: отец и сын. С той стороны зеркального стекла... - Лаврин А.

Tarkovskie: otets i syn. S toi storony zerkal'nogo stekla...
Лаврин А. (Lavrin A.)

Item ID : 1100873
SKU : VV1100873
ISBN : 9785916312744

Pages : 447
Cover : Hardcover
Year : 2018
Publisher : ПрозаиК ( ProzaiK )

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Краткая аннотация

Увлекательное исследование жизни двух выдающихся личностей, отца и сына, — поэта Арсения Тарковского (1907–1989) и кинорежиссера Андрея Тарковского (1932–1986), — не претендуя на всеобъемлющую глубину и истину в последней инстанции, построено как на личных воспоминаниях автора, тесно дружившего с Тарковским-старшим в последнее десятилетие его жизни и достаточно близко знавшего и его сына, так и на воспоминаниях других людей, а также на стихах, дневниках и письмах самих героев книги.


Brief Summary

A fascinating study of the lives of two outstanding personalities, father and son, the poet Arseniy Tarkovsky (1907-1989) and the film director Andrei Tarkovsky (1932-1986), without pretending to be a comprehensive depth and truth in the last instance, is built both on the personal memories of the author, who was close friends with Tarkovsky Sr. in the last decade of his life and knew his son quite closely, as well as on the memories of others, as well as on the memories of others, as well as on the memories of others, as well as on the memories of others, as well as on the memories of others, as well as on the memories of others, as well as on the memories of others, as well as on the memories of others, as well as on the memories of others, as well as on the memories of others, as well as on the memories of others, as well as on the memories of others, as well as on the memories of others, as well as on the memories of others, as well as on the memories of others, as well as on the memories of others, as well as on the memories of others, as well as on the memories of others, as well as on the memories of others, as well as on the memories of others, as well as on the memories of others, as well as on the memories of others, as well as on the memories of others, as well as on the memories of others, as well as on , diaries and letters of the characters themselves.

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