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English World 8 Pupils Book - Bowen Mary

English World 8 Pupils Book
Bowen Mary (Bowen Mary)

Item ID : 1105745
Seria : English World
SKU : VV1105745
ISBN : 9780230032538

Pages : 136
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2016
Publisher : Macmillan ( Macmillan )

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Краткая аннотация

English World is a 10-level course created by the best-selling authors of titles such as Way Ahead and Macmillan English. It offers a unique blend of first-language learning and teaching methodology combined with the needs of the non-native student. A wealth of reading material is presented as the vehicle for teaching grammar accuracy, along with fluency in writing, speaking and listening, and strategies for vocabulary building. Key features of the course include: a variety of text types, with a focus on cross-curricular themes and content emphasis on critical thinking through detailed reading comprehension activities key vocabulary presentation and extension by activating students' prior knowledge grammar, studied and practised using contextualised examples and a dedicated Grammar in use page a three-stage approach to writing, promoting learner autonomy realistic listening material presented as the basis for individual speaking and personalisation...

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