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Дело Бронникова - Громова Наталья

Delo Bronnikova
Громова Наталья (Gromova Natal'ia)

Item ID : 1114427
Seria : Литературные биографии
SKU : VV1114427
ISBN : 9785171125592

Pages : 384
Cover : Hardcover
Year : 2018
Publisher : ООО Издательство АСТ ( OOO Izdatel'stvo AST )

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Краткая аннотация

«Дело Бронникова» – книга-расследование. Она сложилась из пятитомного следственного дела 1932 года. Среди обвиняемых – переводчик М.Л. Лозинский, лингвист Н.Н. Шульговский, киновед Н.Н. Ефимов, художник В.А. Власов. Но имена других сегодня никому ничего не говорят. Пропали их сочинения, статьи, стихи, записки, письма, даже адреса. А люди эти были очень талантливы: А.В. Рейслер, П.П. Азбелев, А.А. Крюков, М.Н. Ремезов, М.Д. Бронников… – ленинградские литераторы и искусствоведы.
Авторы собирали информацию по крупицам в официальных и частных архивах и пытались увидеть живых людей, стоящих за найденными материалами этого забытого дела.


Brief Summary

"Bronnikov's Case" is a book-investigation. It was formed from a five-volume investigative case in 1932. Among the accused are translator M.L. Lozinski, linguist N.N. Shulgovsky, film critic N.N. Efimov, artist V.A. Vlasov. But the names of others today don't say anything to anyone. Their writings, articles, poems, notes, letters, even addresses were missing. And these people were very talented: A.V. Reisler, P.P. Azbelev, A.A. Kryukov, M.N. Remezov, M.D. Bronnikov... - Leningrad writers and art historians. The authors collected information bit by bit in official and private archives and tried to see the living people behind the found materials of this forgotten case. About authors: Polina Vakhtina (1948-2017) is an employee of the Public Library of St. Petersburg (now the Russian National Library), author of articles and reports. She was engaged in the archive of Public, its history, preparation of diaries and memoirs of the 20th century. It is Polyna Vakhtina who owns the idea of creating this book. Natalia Gromova is a writer and historian of Soviet literature and a leading researcher at the State Literary Museum. He is the author of The Knot. Poets. Friendship. Breaks. From the literary life of the late 1920s-1930s, "The Decay. The fate of Soviet critics: in the 40s and 50s, "The Key. Last Moscow, "Olga Bergholz: There was no death and no" etc. Tatiana Pozdnyakova is an art historian and senior researcher at the Anna Akhmatova Museum in the Fountain House. Compiler and co-author of the books "Petersburg Akhmatova: Vladimir Garshin," "And why did you have to lie so much?" Anna Akhmatova and Isaiah Berlin et al.

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