Три медведя -
Tri medvedia
Item ID : 1117602
Seria : 10 песенок
SKU : 139915
ISBN : 9785506019961
Pages : 5
Cover : Hardcover
Year : 2018
Publisher : С - Трейд, М ( S - Treid, M )
Item ID : 1117602
Seria : 10 песенок
SKU : 139915
ISBN : 9785506019961
Pages : 5
Cover : Hardcover
Year : 2018
Publisher : С - Трейд, М ( S - Treid, M )
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Краткая аннотация
Для чтения взрослыми детям
Brief Summary
A compact book of durable safe cardboard with a listening button.
Favorite authors, folklore, cartoon stories.
In addition to an interesting and fun story inside the book is supplemented with one sound button,
when you click on which will sound a song.
When you re-press the button, the song will turn off.
Recommended for reading for adult children.
Favorite authors, folklore, cartoon stories.
In addition to an interesting and fun story inside the book is supplemented with one sound button,
when you click on which will sound a song.
When you re-press the button, the song will turn off.
Recommended for reading for adult children.
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