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Собрание сочинений в двух томах.Том 1 - Лифшиц М.Ю.

Sobranie sochinenii v dvukh tomakh.Tom 1
Лифшиц М.Ю. (Lifshits M.Iu.)

Item ID : 1140695
SKU : 141320
ISBN : 9785906339843

Pages : 544
Cover : Hardcover
Year : 2020
Publisher : Зебра-Е ( Zebra-E )

You Pay: $43.95

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Краткая аннотация

В первый том двухтомного сборника Михаила Лифшица вошли наиболее известные произведения писателя: повесть «Любовь к родителям», волнующая семейная история второй половины XX века, роман «Почтовый ящик» об инженерах обороной промышленности, рассказы. Здесь же помещена пьеса «Холодный профессор» из университетской жизни, впервые выходящая в печатном виде.


Brief Summary

The first volume of Mikhail Lifshitz's two-volume collection includes the most famous works of the writer: the novel "Love for Parents", the moving family history of the second half of the 20th century, the novel "The Mailbox" about engineers of the defense industry, stories. There is also a play "Cold Professor" from university life, which is published in print for the first time.

In the second volume of Mikhail Lifshitz's two-volume collection, three groups of works are placed. since then Kiev has distanced itself from us, and the circulation has burned in the fire of political events. The novella (the author gave it the subtitle "Jewish Detective") is published for the first time. The second group is a poem: the poem "Tolga" about the search for God by a modern man who lived an atheistic life, and lyricism. The third is reviews of well-known contemporary books and journalism (articles and small articles-posts). Journalism and reviews were published in various publications, which is stated in each work.

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