Человек с предрассудками.Загадки дуэли А.С.Пушкина - Галкин А.
Chelovek s predrassudkami.Zagadki dueli A.S.Pushkina
Галкин А. (Galkin A.)
Item ID : 1142653
SKU : 143278
ISBN : 9785392272976
Pages : 176
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2018
Publisher : Проспект, М ( Prospekt, M )
Галкин А. (Galkin A.)
Item ID : 1142653
SKU : 143278
ISBN : 9785392272976
Pages : 176
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2018
Publisher : Проспект, М ( Prospekt, M )
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Краткая аннотация
Документальная повесть А. Б. Галкина «Человек с предрассудками» повествует о загадках преддуэльной истории А. С. Пушкина. Автор сопоставляет хронику событий последних месяцев жизни Пушкина и свидетельства его современников, сталкивает разные версии происходившего и вызывает на «очную ставку» людей и документы, предлагая читателю собственную убедительную гипотезу главной загадки поведения поэта перед дуэлью: в чем была причина его уверенности, что присланный ему анонимный пасквиль сочинили именно барон Геккерн и его приемный сын Жорж Дантес, и какую роль в этой истории сыграла родная сестра жены поэта Екатерина Гончарова? В книге также представлена полемика автора с академиком Н. Я. Петраковым и другими новоявленными «пушкинистами». В ходе полемики автор убедительно опровергает скандальную гипотезу о том, будто бы Пушкин был сам сочинителем анонимного пасквиля и отправил его себе и своим друзьям. Рассказ А. Б. Галкина «Предсказания» в художественной форме отвечает на еще одну загадку пушкинской жизни. Речь идет о предсказаниях гадальщицы Кирхгоф и анонимного одесского астролога, предрекших роковую смерть Пушкина на дуэли. Книга обращена ко всем любителям пушкинского творчества.
Brief Summary
A. B. Galkin's documentary novel "The Man with Prejudice" tells the story of the mysteries of A.S. Pushkin's pre-duel history. The author compares the chronicle of the events of the last months of Pushkin's life and the evidence of his
contemporaries, confronts different versions of what happened and calls on the "face-to-face bet" people and documents, offering the reader his own convincing hypothesis of the main riddle of the poet's behavior before the duel: what is
was the reason for his confidence that the anonymous Pasqueville sent to him was composed by Baron Gekkern and his adopted son Georges Dantes, and what role in this story was played by the poet's sister Ekaterina Goncharova? The book also presents the author's polemics with the academician N.Y. Petrakov and other new -- "pushkinists." In the course of the controversy, the author convincingly refutes the scandalous hypothesis that Pushkin was
he himself wrote an anonymous pasquila and sent it to himself and his friends. A. B. Galkin's story "Predictions" in an artistic form answers another mystery of Pushkin's life. These are the predictions of the
Kirchhof and an anonymous Odessa astrologer who predicted Pushkin's fateful death in a duel.
The book appeals to all fans of Pushkin's creativity.
contemporaries, confronts different versions of what happened and calls on the "face-to-face bet" people and documents, offering the reader his own convincing hypothesis of the main riddle of the poet's behavior before the duel: what is
was the reason for his confidence that the anonymous Pasqueville sent to him was composed by Baron Gekkern and his adopted son Georges Dantes, and what role in this story was played by the poet's sister Ekaterina Goncharova? The book also presents the author's polemics with the academician N.Y. Petrakov and other new -- "pushkinists." In the course of the controversy, the author convincingly refutes the scandalous hypothesis that Pushkin was
he himself wrote an anonymous pasquila and sent it to himself and his friends. A. B. Galkin's story "Predictions" in an artistic form answers another mystery of Pushkin's life. These are the predictions of the
Kirchhof and an anonymous Odessa astrologer who predicted Pushkin's fateful death in a duel.
The book appeals to all fans of Pushkin's creativity.
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