Семен Франк. Штрихи к портрету философа - Оболевич Тереза
Semen Frank. Shtrikhi k portretu filosofa
Оболевич Тереза (Obolevich Tereza)
Item ID : 1143636
Seria : Религиозные мыслители
SKU : 144261
ISBN : 9785896473565
Pages : 202
Cover : Hardcover
Year : 2017
Publisher : ББИ, М ( BBI, M )
Оболевич Тереза (Obolevich Tereza)
Item ID : 1143636
Seria : Религиозные мыслители
SKU : 144261
ISBN : 9785896473565
Pages : 202
Cover : Hardcover
Year : 2017
Publisher : ББИ, М ( BBI, M )
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Краткая аннотация
Эта книга – попытка взглянуть на жизнь и творчество С. Л. Франка c внешней и с внутренней сторон. Автор сочетает аналитико-эпистемологический и реконструктивно-синтетический подходы, позволяющие пролить дополнительный свет на формирование философских и религиозных воззрений, а также жизненных установок и позиций великого русского философа. В работе использованы как новейшие исследования, так и архивные материалы, некоторые тексты С. Франка публикуются впервые.
Brief Summary
This book is an attempt to look at the life and work of S.L. Frank from the outside and from the inside. The author combines analytic-ethemeological and reconstructive-synthetic approaches, allowing to shed additional light on the formation of philosophical and religious views, as well as the life attitudes and positions of the great Russian philosopher. The work uses both the latest research and archival materials, some of S. Frank's texts are published for the first time.
" Sister Teresa Obolevich's new book is a useful addition to the rapidly growing amount of scientific literature devoted to Semyon Frank. T. Obolevich is a well-known expert on the religious philosophy of Frank. This well-organized book was a great way for her to bring together a number of interesting materials and ideas. As a result, we have gained a deep understanding of Frank's character and personality and have clearly outlined some aspects of his...
" Sister Teresa Obolevich's new book is a useful addition to the rapidly growing amount of scientific literature devoted to Semyon Frank. T. Obolevich is a well-known expert on the religious philosophy of Frank. This well-organized book was a great way for her to bring together a number of interesting materials and ideas. As a result, we have gained a deep understanding of Frank's character and personality and have clearly outlined some aspects of his...
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