Тайны квантового мира - Тибо Дамур, Матьё Бюрниа
Tainy kvantovogo mira
Тибо Дамур, Матьё Бюрниа (Tibo Damur, Mat'e Biurnia)
Item ID : 1149751
Seria : Кругозор в комиксах
SKU : 145280
ISBN : 9785001178118
Pages : 160
Cover : Hardcover
Year : 2019
Publisher : Манн, Иванов и Фебер ( Mann, Ivanov i Feber )
Тибо Дамур, Матьё Бюрниа (Tibo Damur, Mat'e Biurnia)
Item ID : 1149751
Seria : Кругозор в комиксах
SKU : 145280
ISBN : 9785001178118
Pages : 160
Cover : Hardcover
Year : 2019
Publisher : Манн, Иванов и Фебер ( Mann, Ivanov i Feber )
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Краткая аннотация
Вас ждут встречи с основателями современной физики: Планком, Эйнштейном, Бором, Шредингером и другими учеными. Они поведают, что такое квант или осциллятор, какие существуют константы и действительно ли материя состоит только из частиц?
Brief Summary
About the book, Bob and his dog Rick go on a fascinating journey through the quantum universe. They are waiting for meetings with the creators of quantum theory: Planck, Einstein, Bohr, Bourne, Schrodinger and other scientists. Famous physicists become guides to this amazing world, talk about the basics of quantum science, their discoveries in this field, conduct experiments and argue with each other. Participation in experiments and debates of scientists helps Bob to understand the basic ideas about the nature of the quantum universe and modern hypotheses of this theory. Why we decided to publish this book: The Comic in An Accessible Form tells the quantum nature of the universe: what the Schrodinger atom is famous for, what the sea wave has in common with the radiation of light, how the combustion temperature affects the frequency of light emitted. Everything is explained as simply as possible. In English, the comic was published in MIT Press, a publishing house at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. These guys are not...
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