Россия и Запад:несостоявшийся альянс,или противостояние как неизбежность - Штоль В.
Rossiia i Zapad:nesostoiavshiisia al'ians,ili protivostoianie kak neizbezhnost'
Штоль В. (Shtol' V.)
Item ID : 1173326
SKU : VV1173326
ISBN : 9785907115767
Pages : 434
Cover : Hardcover
Year : 2019
Publisher : Алетейя,Институт диаспоры и интеграции ( Aleteiia,Institut diaspory i integratsii )
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Штоль В. (Shtol' V.)
Item ID : 1173326
SKU : VV1173326
ISBN : 9785907115767
Pages : 434
Cover : Hardcover
Year : 2019
Publisher : Алетейя,Институт диаспоры и интеграции ( Aleteiia,Institut diaspory i integratsii )
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Краткая аннотация
В монографии на большом историческом материале, малоизвестном или специально забытом, рассмотрена история всегдасложных и часто противоречивых отношений стран Запада и Россиив ее любых государственных формах.Анализируя развитие их взаимоотношений на
Brief Summary
Abstract to the book "Russia and the West: A Failed Alliance, or Confrontation as inevitability" by Stol V.V.:
In the monograph on a large historical material, little known or specially forgotten, the history of the always complex and often contradictory relations between the Countries of the West and Russia in its any state forms is considered.
Analyzing the development of their relations since the 15th century, the author puts forward a thesis about the centuries-old west's focus on the weakening, dismemberment and destruction of Russian statehood. The basis of this policy of the Western world is the competitive and alien cultural and civilizational identity of Russia, charged with global messianic energy.
The instruments of this approach were constant encroachments on the territory and resources of Russia, aggressive imposition of foreign values, alien to the national and cultural traditions of its peoples. The book is designed for a wide range of readers, especially those interested in history and politics
In the monograph on a large historical material, little known or specially forgotten, the history of the always complex and often contradictory relations between the Countries of the West and Russia in its any state forms is considered.
Analyzing the development of their relations since the 15th century, the author puts forward a thesis about the centuries-old west's focus on the weakening, dismemberment and destruction of Russian statehood. The basis of this policy of the Western world is the competitive and alien cultural and civilizational identity of Russia, charged with global messianic energy.
The instruments of this approach were constant encroachments on the territory and resources of Russia, aggressive imposition of foreign values, alien to the national and cultural traditions of its peoples. The book is designed for a wide range of readers, especially those interested in history and politics
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