Эсминцы типа " Новик " - Чернышев Александр Алексеевич
Esmintsy tipa " Novik "
Чернышев Александр Алексеевич (Chernyshev Aleksandr Alekseevich)
Item ID : 1179148
Seria : Война на море
SKU : 146092
ISBN : 9785950092084
Pages : 224
Cover : Hardcover
Year : 2018
Publisher : ЭКСМО, М ( EKSMO, M )
Чернышев Александр Алексеевич (Chernyshev Aleksandr Alekseevich)
Item ID : 1179148
Seria : Война на море
SKU : 146092
ISBN : 9785950092084
Pages : 224
Cover : Hardcover
Year : 2018
Publisher : ЭКСМО, М ( EKSMO, M )
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Краткая аннотация
29 августа (11 сентября) 1913 г. Российский военно-морской флот пополнился еще одним кораблем. Это не был линкор или крейсер, в строй вошел всего лишь эсминец, но его имя – "Новик" – прогремело громче имен некоторых линкоров и крейсеров.Обязанный своим появлением трагедии русско-японской войны, "новик" создавался с учетом ее опыта по заданию "Особого комитета по усилению военного флота на добровольные пожертвования", который не страдал мелочной "экономией" и заказал корабли, далеко опередившие свое время, – к показателям русского эсминца другие великие державы смогли приблизиться лишь в годы Первой мировой, когда уже входили в строй его серийные наследники.В 1915 году "Новик" доказал свое превосходство, обратив в бегство два германских больших эсминца и загнав один из них на минное поле. Его "собратья" активно воевали на Балтике и Черном море, а после революции стали ядром возрождающегося Советского флота.Несмотря на преклонный возраст, эсминцы типа "Новик" прошли всю Великую Отечественную и оставались в строю более трети века.
Brief Summary
On August 29 (September 11) 1913, the Russian navy was replenished with another ship. It was not a battleship or a cruiser, only a destroyer entered service, but its name - "Novik" - thundered louder than the names of some battleships and cruisers.
Due to its appearance of the tragedy of the Russo-Japanese War, the "novik" was created taking into account its experience on the instructions of the "Special Committee to strengthen the navy on voluntary donations" which did not suffer petty "economy" and ordered ships, far away Ahead of their time - to the indicators of the Russian destroyer other great powers were able to approach only in the years of the First World War, when its serial heirs were already in service.
In 1915, Novik proved its superiority by fleeing two German large destroyers and driving one of them into a minefield. His "brothers" actively fought in the Baltic and the Black Sea, and after the revolution became the core of the resurgent Soviet fleet.
Despite his advanced age, Novik-class destroyers passed the entire Great Patriotic War and remained in service for more than a third of a century.
Due to its appearance of the tragedy of the Russo-Japanese War, the "novik" was created taking into account its experience on the instructions of the "Special Committee to strengthen the navy on voluntary donations" which did not suffer petty "economy" and ordered ships, far away Ahead of their time - to the indicators of the Russian destroyer other great powers were able to approach only in the years of the First World War, when its serial heirs were already in service.
In 1915, Novik proved its superiority by fleeing two German large destroyers and driving one of them into a minefield. His "brothers" actively fought in the Baltic and the Black Sea, and after the revolution became the core of the resurgent Soviet fleet.
Despite his advanced age, Novik-class destroyers passed the entire Great Patriotic War and remained in service for more than a third of a century.
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