Your Space 1 SB - Hobbs Martyn
Your Space 1 SB
Hobbs Martyn (Hobbs Martyn)
Item ID : 1189636
Seria : Your Space
SKU : VV1189636
ISBN : 9780521729239
Pages : 144
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2012
Publisher : Cambridge ( Cambridge )
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Hobbs Martyn (Hobbs Martyn)
Item ID : 1189636
Seria : Your Space
SKU : VV1189636
ISBN : 9780521729239
Pages : 144
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2012
Publisher : Cambridge ( Cambridge )
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Краткая аннотация
Your Space is a three-level course designed to motivate students as they change and grow. The Level 1 Student's Book contains ten visually appealing units and ample material for extra practice and extension including 'Communication' activities with accompanying 'Phrasebook'. Students are encouraged to notice new language in context in the 'Language focus' sections, then are given clear guidance to its use in 'Language space'. A ten-page Welcome section for students coming from Primary school reinforces language. 'Get it right!' sections informed by the Cambridge Learner Corpus help students tackle problem areas. A gripping graphic story at the back of book provides enjoyable extended reading.
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