Таблица Головина для исследования остроты зрения -
Tablitsa Golovina dlia issledovaniia ostroty zreniia
Item ID : 1220927
SKU : 149962
ISBN : 9785998810220
Pages : 0
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2020
Publisher : Проспект, М ( Prospekt, M )
Item ID : 1220927
SKU : 149962
ISBN : 9785998810220
Pages : 0
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2020
Publisher : Проспект, М ( Prospekt, M )
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Краткая аннотация
Таблица считается наиболее достоверным тестом для определения остроты зрения человека. На диагностической таблице Головина изображены круги с разрывом. Чем ниже строка, тем меньше символы. Каждый рядом расположенный символ отличается от предыдущего направлением выреза. Они могут быть направлены вверх, вниз, вправо и влево. Чаще всего к такой методике прибегает врач-офтальмолог.
Brief Summary
This table contains lines of Landolt rings (only 12 lines), the size of which decreases from line to line in the direction from top to bottom. On the left of each line is the distance of the "displaystyle D" (meters) from which they must be seen by a person with normal vision (50.0 meters for the top row; 2.5 meters for the bottom). On the right of each line is the value of the "displaystyle V" (in conditional units) - visual acuity when reading signs from a distance of 5 meters (0.1 if the eye sees only the top row; 2.0 - if you see the bottom row). Normal vision (1.0) - when a person sees each eye from a distance of 5 meters tenth line.
To calculate the size of the rings on a particular line (with a margin of approximately 1 millimeter error), it is necessary to divide 7 millimeters
by the value of the "displaystyle V"V (value on this line).
When studying visual acuity from another distance (less than 0.1 - if a person with 5 meters does not recognize the signs of the upper row), the inspector is approached to the table and every 0.5 meters are asked,
until it names the top-row marks correctly
. The distance from which the study is conducted;
'displaystyle D'D is the distance at which a normal eye sees this series.
But it is better to determine visual acuity less than 0.1 from 5 meters to use Polyak optotypes.
Ophthalmologists usually use this table in conjunction with the Sivtsev table.
To calculate the size of the rings on a particular line (with a margin of approximately 1 millimeter error), it is necessary to divide 7 millimeters
by the value of the "displaystyle V"V (value on this line).
When studying visual acuity from another distance (less than 0.1 - if a person with 5 meters does not recognize the signs of the upper row), the inspector is approached to the table and every 0.5 meters are asked,
until it names the top-row marks correctly
. The distance from which the study is conducted;
'displaystyle D'D is the distance at which a normal eye sees this series.
But it is better to determine visual acuity less than 0.1 from 5 meters to use Polyak optotypes.
Ophthalmologists usually use this table in conjunction with the Sivtsev table.
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