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Homework Let’s Learn the Formula Of Success: кн. на англ.яз - Магеррамзаде А.

Homework Let’s Learn the Formula Of Success: kn. na angl.iaz
Магеррамзаде А. (Magerramzade A.)

Item ID : 1226798
SKU : VV1226798
ISBN : 9785001532132

Pages : 250
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2020
Publisher : Т8 RUGRAM ( T8 RUGRAM )

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Краткая аннотация

"Basket of Selected Fruits" To pick the juiciest apple, you need to go to the apple orchard. In order to taste the sweetest grapes, you need to go to the vineyard. If you want to pick the most fragrant orange, you need to go to the plantation with citrus plants, right? But everything is easier when they bring you a basket of selected fruits. This book in a sense resem bles the very basket of the most valuable thoughts. There are a lot of motivational books that teach you how to succeed, as well as leadership concepts. What is the difference between the book that we intend to offer you? The fact that you have to get acquainted with the conclusions of the author, who motivated people for many years as a speaker, at the same time instructing his audience as a coach and professor of economics. The conclusions reached by the author after numerous experiments can be useful to hundreds of people. In this book you can also read valuable sayings from the best motivational books on success and leadership. In a word, we offer you, dear readers, a collection of valuable thoughts!

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