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Eng in Mind 2Ed Starter WB - Puchta Herbert

Eng in Mind 2Ed Starter WB
Puchta Herbert (Puchta Herbert)

Item ID : 1252828
Seria : English in Mind. 2nd Edition
SKU : VV1252828
ISBN : 9780521170246

Pages : 96
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2015
Publisher : Cambridge ( Cambridge )

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You Pay: $72.75

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This second edition updates a course which has proven to be a perfect fit for classes the world over. Engaging content and a strong focus on grammar and vocabulary combine to make this course a hit with both teachers and students. This Workbook provides extra language and skills practice for use both in the classroom or at home. It also includes extra vocabulary exercises corresponding to the expanded lexical sets in the Student's Book 'Vocabulary bank'. 'Study Help' and 'Skills Tips' sections give learners extra support and guidance. The audio content to accompany the workbook is included on the Student's Book DVD-ROM and on the Class Audio CDs.

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