Super Minds 5 WB + Onl Res - Puchta Herbert
Super Minds 5 WB + Onl Res
Puchta Herbert (Puchta Herbert)
Item ID : 1255994
Seria : Super Minds
SKU : VV1255994
ISBN : 9781107483040
Pages : 128
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2014
Publisher : Cambridge ( Cambridge )
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Puchta Herbert (Puchta Herbert)
Item ID : 1255994
Seria : Super Minds
SKU : VV1255994
ISBN : 9781107483040
Pages : 128
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2014
Publisher : Cambridge ( Cambridge )
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Краткая аннотация
An exciting, seven-level course that enhances young learners' thinking skills, sharpening their memory while improving their language skills. Written by a highly experienced author team, Super Minds enhances your students' thinking skills, improving their memory along with their language skills. This Level 5 Workbook includes activities to develop language creatively, fascinating cross-curricular sections and lively stories that explore social values. For each Student's Book page, this Workbook features a page of activities. Students also have access to an online platform with games and supplementary grammar, vocabulary and reading activities. All the students' online work can be tracked and reviewed by the teacher.
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