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Hobbit & Lord of the Rings 4-vol. Box Set - Tolkien John Ronald Reuel

Hobbit & Lord of the Rings 4-vol. Box Set
Tolkien John Ronald Reuel (Tolkien John Ronald Reuel)

Item ID : 1334778
Seria : The Lord of the Rings
SKU : VV1334778
ISBN : 9780261103566

Pages : 1483
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2011
Publisher : Harper Collins UK ( Harper Collins UK )

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Immerse yourself in Middle-earth with Tolkien's classic masterpiece, telling the complete story of Bilbo Baggins and the Hobbits' epic encounters with Gandalf, Gollum, dragons and monsters, in the quest to destroy the One Ring. When they were first published, The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings became instant classics. Treasured by readers young and old, these works of sweeping fantasy, steeped in unrivalled magic and otherworldliness have sold more than 150 million copies around the world. This new boxed set, published to mark the 75th anniversary of the publication of The Hobbit, offers readers a new opportunity to discover Tolkien's remarkable world of Middle-earth and to follow the complete story of Bilbo Baggins and the Hobbits' part in the epic quest for the Ring - beginning with Bilbo's fateful visit from Gandalf and culminating in the dramatic climax between Frodo and Gollum atop Mount Doom and Bilbo's departure to the Grey Havens.

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