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The Thirty Nine Steps & The Power House - Buchan John

The Thirty Nine Steps & The Power House
Buchan John (Buchan John)

Item ID : 1355423
SKU : VV1355423
ISBN : 9781848376090

Pages : 192
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2010
Publisher : Arcturus ( Arcturus )

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The Thirty-Nine Steps (1915) introduces Richard Hannay, the original gentleman-hero of spy thrillers and a forerunner of James Bond. This tale of intrigue and treachery pits Hannay against not only a German spy ring but also the British police, who wrongly suspect him of murder.Hunted relentlessly, he flees to Scotland and races against time to expose a plot that would drive Britain to the brink of war. His success rests on the whereabouts of the mysterious thirty-nine steps.The Power-House (1913) features another of Buchan's most popular protagonists, Sir Edward Leithan, on o a desperate mission to uncover a sinister plot to destroy western civilization.

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