The Great Gatsby - Fitzgerald Francis Scott
The Great Gatsby
Fitzgerald Francis Scott (Fitzgerald Francis Scott)
Item ID : 1355680
SKU : VV1355680
ISBN : 9781782120834
Pages : 208
Cover : Hardcover
Year : 2013
Publisher : Arcturus ( Arcturus )
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Fitzgerald Francis Scott (Fitzgerald Francis Scott)
Item ID : 1355680
SKU : VV1355680
ISBN : 9781782120834
Pages : 208
Cover : Hardcover
Year : 2013
Publisher : Arcturus ( Arcturus )
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Краткая аннотация
The Great Gatsby (1925) is F. Scott Fitzgerald's classic novel of the Jazz Age and one of the greatest works of the twentieth century. It is the story of a charismatic figure drawn to his own destruction through infatuation with a girl called Daisy, whose voice is 'full of money'.Having mysteriously accumulated a fortune after World War I, the charming Gatsby pursues the American Dream of wealth and influence to its glittering limits only to discover the emptiness that lies at its core.'An American masterpiece in its final form: the original crystal has shaped itself into the true diamond.'James Dickey, poet and novelist
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