The Social Contract - Rousseau Jean-Jacques
The Social Contract
Rousseau Jean-Jacques (Rousseau Jean-Jacques)
Item ID : 1355720
SKU : VV1355720
ISBN : 9781784287160
Pages : 160
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2022
Publisher : Arcturus ( Arcturus )
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Rousseau Jean-Jacques (Rousseau Jean-Jacques)
Item ID : 1355720
SKU : VV1355720
ISBN : 9781784287160
Pages : 160
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2022
Publisher : Arcturus ( Arcturus )
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Краткая аннотация
"Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains"This is the first line of Rousseau's seminal work of political philosophy, a treatise that would go on trainspire revolutions in America and France and make governments across the world question what legitimacy really meant. The idea of the "social contract" is just as powerful today as when Rousseau first wrote these words more than 250 years earlier.i
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