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Our Discovery Island Starter PBk + PIN Code - Lochowski Tessa

Our Discovery Island Starter PBk + PIN Code
Lochowski Tessa (Lochowski Tessa)

Item ID : 1375691
Seria : Our Discovery Island
SKU : VV1375691
ISBN : 9781408238400

Pages :
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2011
Publisher : Pearson ( Pearson )

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You Pay: $138.78

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Краткая аннотация

What does Our Discovery Island do? Reaches: Online adventures on themed islands develop the cognitive, emotional, and social skills of the whole learner. Teaches: Links to daily life through cross-curricular connections and authentic texts immerse pupils in English. Gets results: Guided communication, collaboration, fun characters, and engaging stories motivate learners and make learning English more exciting than ever.

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