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The Smidgens Crash-Land - O`Connell David

The Smidgens Crash-Land
O`Connell David (O`Connell David)

Item ID : 1401695
SKU : VV1401695
ISBN : 9781526640567

Pages : 200
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2022
Publisher : Bloomsbury ( Bloomsbury )

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Ever since Gafferty Sprout's last adventure, she's been VERY GOOD. No more finding lost Smidgen clans, no more pudding fights, definitely no more GHOSTS. She knows there's another clan still out there – The Burrow – and maybe they know the secrets of the MAGICAL knife that saved her from the ghosts. But it'll have to wait until she's less … grounded. Then a strange Smidgen steals her knife and sets out for The Burrow, and there's nothing for it. Gafferty has to follow. But the Smidgens of The Burrow aren't the new friends Gafferty expected, and soon the Smidgens are in BIG, BIG trouble. The second book in a funny, magical adventure series for 7+ readers who love Terry Pratchett, Max and the Millions and The Borrowers.

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