Ordinary Monsters - Miro J. M.
Ordinary Monsters
Miro J. M. (Miro J. M.)
Item ID : 1401696
SKU : VV1401696
ISBN : 9781526650047
Pages : 660
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2022
Publisher : Bloomsbury ( Bloomsbury )
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Miro J. M. (Miro J. M.)
Item ID : 1401696
SKU : VV1401696
ISBN : 9781526650047
Pages : 660
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2022
Publisher : Bloomsbury ( Bloomsbury )
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Краткая аннотация
The first in a captivating new historical fantasy series, Ordinary Monsters introduces the Talents with a catastrophic vision of the Victorian world, and the gifted, broken children who must save it. There in the shadows was a figure in a cloak, at the bottom of the cobblestone stair, and it turned and stared up at them as still and unmoving as a pillar of darkness, but it had no face, only smoke... 1882. North of Edinburgh, on the edge of an isolated loch, lies an institution of crumbling stone, where a strange doctor collects orphans with unusual abilities. In London, two children with such powers are hunted by a figure of darkness - a man made of smoke. Charlie Ovid discovers a gift for healing himself through a brutal upbringing in Mississippi, while Marlowe, a foundling from a railway freight, glows with a strange bluish light. When two grizzled detectives are recruited to escort them north to safety, they are confronted by a sinister, dangerous...
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