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The Return of Sherlock Holmes - Doyle Arthur Conan

The Return of Sherlock Holmes
Doyle Arthur Conan (Doyle Arthur Conan)

Item ID : 1426349
Seria : Classics
SKU : VV1426349
ISBN : 9781853260582

Pages : 304
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2012
Publisher : Wordsworth ( Wordsworth )

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' … once again Mr Sherlock Holmes is free to devote his life to examining those interesting little problems which the complex life of London so plentifully presents.' Evil masterminds beware! Sherlock Holmes is back! Ten years after his supposed death in the swirling torrent of the Reichenbach Falls locked in the arms of his arch enemy Professor Moriarty, Arthur Conan Doyle agreed to pen further adventures featuring his brilliant detective. In the first story, 'The Empty House', Holmes returns to Baker Street and his good friend Watson, explaining how he escaped from his watery grave. In creating this collection of tales, Doyle had lost none of cunning or panache, providing Holmes with a sparkling set of mysteries to solve and a challenging set of mysteries to solve and a challenging set of adversaries to defeat. The potent mixture includes murder, abduction, baffling cryptograms and robbery. We are also introduced to the one of the cruellest villains in the Holmes canon, the...

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