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The Great Gatsby - Fitzgerald Francis Scott

The Great Gatsby
Fitzgerald Francis Scott (Fitzgerald Francis Scott)

Item ID : 1431552
SKU : VV1431552
ISBN : 9781848378896

Pages : 144
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2022
Publisher : Arcturus ( Arcturus )

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Краткая аннотация

The Great Gatsby is F. Scott Fitzgerald's classic novel of the American Jazz Age. It is the story of a fundamentally innocent man drawn into his own destruction through infatuation with a girl called Daisy, whose voice is 'full of money'. After his war service, Jay Gatsby accumulates a fortune from organized crime and invents a legendary new persona for himself. He buys a luxury property on Long Island, across the water from the mansion where Daisy now lives with her husband. He throws extravagant parties to attract her arrival, yet this only signals the unravelling of Gatsby's cherished dream.

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