ExamBooster for B1 PET&B1 PET for Scho NEWExam2020 - Chilton Helen
ExamBooster for B1 PET&B1 PET for Scho NEWExam2020
Chilton Helen (Chilton Helen)
Item ID : 1436654
Seria : Cambridge Exam Boosters
SKU : VV1436654
ISBN : 9781108682190
Pages :
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2020
Publisher : Cambridge ( Cambridge )
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Chilton Helen (Chilton Helen)
Item ID : 1436654
Seria : Cambridge Exam Boosters
SKU : VV1436654
ISBN : 9781108682190
Pages :
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2020
Publisher : Cambridge ( Cambridge )
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Краткая аннотация
Exam Booster for B1 Preliminary and B1 Preliminary for Schools without Answer Key with Audio for the Revised 2020 Exams. Comprehensive Exam Practice for Students. 2nd Edition Essential exam task practice for class or home study for use alongside a coursebook or intensively before the exam. Focus on essential exam practice for the revised 2020 exams with the Exam Booster for B1 Preliminary and B1 Preliminary for Schools. Maximise learners' potential with dedicated exam task practice for class or home study. 48 exam tasks practise each part of the exam three times while exam facts provide practical information. Exam tips provide useful advice on how to approach the exercises and 'Get it right' boxes highlight typical candidate errors in the exam. This student edition Exam Booster is suitable for both B1 Preliminary and B1 Preliminary for Schools. The downloadable audio is available from www.cambridge.org/preliminarybooster2.
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