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Doctor Who: The Writer`s Tale: The Final Chapter - Davies Russell T

Doctor Who: The Writer`s Tale: The Final Chapter
Davies Russell T (Davies Russell T)

Item ID : 1437534
Seria : Doctor Who
SKU : VV1437534
ISBN : 9781846078613

Pages :
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2010
Publisher : BBC books ( BBC books )

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For this new edition of The Writer's Tale, Russell T Davies and Benjamin Cook expand their in-depth discussion of the creative life of Doctor Who to cover Russell's final year as Head Writer and Executive Producer of the show, as well as his work behind the increasingly successful Torchwood and The Sarah Jane Adventures spin-offs. Candid and witty insights abound throughout two years' worth of correspondence, covering David Tennant's last episodes as the Doctor and the legacy that Russell and David leave behind as a new era of Doctor Who begins. With over 300 pages of new material, and taking in events from the entire five years since the show's return in 2005, The Writer's Tale: The Final Chapter is the most comprehensive - and personal - account of Doctor Who ever published. В книге "Доктор Кто. Рассказ писателя. Заключительная глава" Рассел Т. Дэвис и Бенджамин Кук расширяют свое углубленное обсуждение творческой жизни "Доктора Кто", охватывая последний год работы...

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