1964: Eyes of the Storm - McCartney Paul
1964: Eyes of the Storm
McCartney Paul (McCartney Paul)
Item ID : 1437574
SKU : VV1437574
ISBN : 9780241619711
Pages :
Cover : Hardcover
Year : 2023
Publisher : Allen Lane ( Allen Lane )
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McCartney Paul (McCartney Paul)
Item ID : 1437574
SKU : VV1437574
ISBN : 9780241619711
Pages :
Cover : Hardcover
Year : 2023
Publisher : Allen Lane ( Allen Lane )
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Краткая аннотация
'Millions of eyes were suddenly upon us, creating a picture I will never forget for the rest of my life.' In 2020, an extraordinary trove of nearly a thousand photographs taken by Paul McCartney on a 35mm camera was re-discovered in his archive. They intimately record the months towards the end of 1963 and beginning of 1964 when Beatlemania erupted in the UK and, after the band's first visit to the USA, they became the most famous people on the planet. The photographs are McCartney's personal record of this explosive time, when he was, as he puts it, in the 'Eyes of the Storm'. 1964: Eyes of the Storm presents 275 of McCartney's photographs from the six cities of these intense, legendary months - Liverpool, London, Paris, New York, Washington, D.C. and Miami - and many never-before-seen portraits of John, George and Ringo. In his Foreword and Introductions to these city portfolios, McCartney remembers 'what else can you call it - pandemonium' and conveys his...
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