Peep Inside How a Recycling Truck Works (board) - Bryan Lara
Peep Inside How a Recycling Truck Works (board)
Bryan Lara (Bryan Lara)
Item ID : 1441546
Seria : Peep Inside a Fairy Tale
SKU : VV1441546
ISBN : 9781474986083
Pages : 14
Cover : Hardcover
Year : 2021
Publisher : Usborne ( Usborne )
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Bryan Lara (Bryan Lara)
Item ID : 1441546
Seria : Peep Inside a Fairy Tale
SKU : VV1441546
ISBN : 9781474986083
Pages : 14
Cover : Hardcover
Year : 2021
Publisher : Usborne ( Usborne )
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Краткая аннотация
Beep, Beep! The recycling truck has arrived! Peep under flaps and through holes to find out how it works, as it trundles around town collecting recycling and taking it to the sorting factory. This friendly introduction to the topic of recycling is perfect for little hands and curious minds.
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