And Then There Were None - Christie Agatha
And Then There Were None
Christie Agatha (Christie Agatha)
Item ID : 1446451
Seria : Poirot
SKU : VV1446451
ISBN : 9780008328924
Pages : 234
Cover : Hardcover
Year : 2019
Publisher : HarperCollins ( HarperCollins )
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Christie Agatha (Christie Agatha)
Item ID : 1446451
Seria : Poirot
SKU : VV1446451
ISBN : 9780008328924
Pages : 234
Cover : Hardcover
Year : 2019
Publisher : HarperCollins ( HarperCollins )
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Краткая аннотация
Agatha Christie`s masterpiece, and the best-selling murder mystery book of all time, celebrates its 80th birthday with this gorgeous hardback Special Edition.`We`re not going to leave the island. None of us will ever leave. It`s the end, you see - the end of everything...`1939. Europe teeters on the brink of war. Ten strangers are invited to Soldier Island, an isolated rock near the Devon coast. Cut off from the mainland, with their generous hosts Mr and Mrs U.N. Owen mysteriously absent, they are each accused of a terrible crime. When one of the party dies suddenly they realise they may be harbouring a murderer among their number.The 10 strangers include a reckless playboy, a troubled Harley Street doctor, a formidable judge, an uncouth detective, an unscrupulous mercenary, a God-fearing spinster, two restless servants, a highly decorated general and an anxious secretary. One by one they are picked off. Who will survive? And who is the killer? Copies of an ominous nursery...
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