Fearie Tales - Gaiman Neil
Fearie Tales
Gaiman Neil (Gaiman Neil)
Item ID : 1449078
SKU : VV1449078
ISBN : 9781782064725
Pages : 409
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2014
Publisher : Jo Fletcher Books ( Jo Fletcher Books )
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Gaiman Neil (Gaiman Neil)
Item ID : 1449078
SKU : VV1449078
ISBN : 9781782064725
Pages : 409
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2014
Publisher : Jo Fletcher Books ( Jo Fletcher Books )
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Краткая аннотация
Neil Gaiman, Joanne Harris and other bestsellers re-imagine famous fairy tales in this wonderfully rich, scary anthology, illustrated by Oscar-winning Lord of the Rings artist Alan Lee. Following in the grand tradition of the Brothers Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, some of today's finest writers have created their own brand-new fairy tales - but with a decidedly dark twist. Fearie Tales is a fantastical mix of spellbinding retellings of 'Cinderella', 'Rapunzel', 'Hansel and Gretel' and 'Rumpelstiltskin', amongst others, with unsettling tales inspired by other childhood classics, all interspersed with the sources of their inspiration: the timeless stories first collected by the Brothers Grimm. Edited by Stephen Jones, Britain's best-known anthologist of dark tales, and illustrated by Oscar-winning artist Alan Lee, who also provided the magnificent cover, with stories by Neil Gaiman; Joanne Harris; Garth Nix; John Ajvide Lindqvist; Markus Heitz; Michael Marshall Smith;...
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