Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte
Jane Eyre
Charlotte Bronte (Charlotte Bronte)
Item ID : 1479067
Seria : Магистраль. Original
SKU : VV1479067
ISBN : 9785042036057
Pages : 544
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2024
Publisher : ООО Издательство Эксмо ( OOO Izdatel'stvo Eksmo )
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Charlotte Bronte (Charlotte Bronte)
Item ID : 1479067
Seria : Магистраль. Original
SKU : VV1479067
ISBN : 9785042036057
Pages : 544
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2024
Publisher : ООО Издательство Эксмо ( OOO Izdatel'stvo Eksmo )
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Краткая аннотация
Jane Eyre’s childhood and youth, spent in a charity school for poor girls, were hard and full of sorrow. Life has not been kind to her. When she takes on a job as a governess, working in the mansion of the mysterious Mr. Rochester, she finally finds love. But a terrible and shocking secret stands in the way of her happiness. Jane Eyre is one of the most renowned British novels, one about deep feelings and staying true to one’s ideals, about ruined expectations, about mercy; it is a deeply touching story with a happy ending.
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