The Brooklands Girls - Dickinson Margaret
The Brooklands Girls
Dickinson Margaret (Dickinson Margaret)
Item ID : 1487241
Seria : The Maitland Trilogy
SKU : VV1487241
ISBN : 9781509851492
Pages : 516
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2019
Publisher : Pan Books ( Pan Books )
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Dickinson Margaret (Dickinson Margaret)
Item ID : 1487241
Seria : The Maitland Trilogy
SKU : VV1487241
ISBN : 9781509851492
Pages : 516
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2019
Publisher : Pan Books ( Pan Books )
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Краткая аннотация
Аннотация к книге "The Brooklands Girls" It is the early 1920s and the Maitland family are still coming to terms with the aftermath of the Great War. After her brave work as an ambulance driver and nurse close to the Front, Pips is restless and without purpose. Determined to enjoy life after the years of misery, and to help her forget a broken love affair, she seeks excitement in the London parties and balls of the Roaring Twenties. No family or community escaped the ravages of this war, and Pips knows her own has its share of troubles. Her brother, Robert, returned injured and is now battling demons of his own. Struggling to find a purpose in life, he is convinced his career as a doctor is over. It is Pips's young niece, Daisy, on whom the family dotes, who brings them joy and hope for the future. But when faces from the past reappear, Pips is posed with a dilemma. Can she ever trust a man's promises and allow herself to love again?
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