Lift-the-Flap Nature (board bk) - Greenwell Jessica
Lift-the-Flap Nature (board bk)
Greenwell Jessica (Greenwell Jessica)
Item ID : 1487497
Seria : Lift-the-Flap
SKU : VV1487497
ISBN : 9781474950961
Pages : 16
Cover : Hardcover
Year : 2019
Publisher : Usborne ( Usborne )
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Greenwell Jessica (Greenwell Jessica)
Item ID : 1487497
Seria : Lift-the-Flap
SKU : VV1487497
ISBN : 9781474950961
Pages : 16
Cover : Hardcover
Year : 2019
Publisher : Usborne ( Usborne )
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Краткая аннотация
Аннотация к книге "Lift-the-Flap Nature" See how nature changes with the seasons, find out which creatures live in the garden and learn how flowers grow in this beautifully illustrated introduction to nature, with over 80 flaps to lift. There are counting and matching activities, and lots of things to look at and talk about on every page.
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