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Something in Disguise - Howard Elizabeth Jane

Something in Disguise
Howard Elizabeth Jane (Howard Elizabeth Jane)

Item ID : 1487653
SKU : VV1487653
ISBN : 9781447272342

Pages : 338
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2015
Publisher : Picador ( Picador )

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Краткая аннотация

Аннотация к книге "Something in Disguise" From the lauded, bestselling author of the Cazalet Chronicles, Something in Disguise paints a candid picture of a family in crisis, from the ever witty Elizabeth Jane Howard. May's second marriage to Colonel Herbert Brown-Lacy is turning out to be a terrible mistake. Her son, Oliver, leaves home only to drift from one affair to another; his sister Elizabeth follows him, yearning for some kind of secure relationship. While even Alice, Herbert's meek daughter, is driven into marriage to escape her father's sinister behaviour... At once a candid depiction of a post-war family on the cusp of change and a touching love story, Something in Disguise embodies the startling truth, wit and daring that Elizabeth Jane Howard is renowned for.

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