New Sky Starter SBk - Abbs Brian
New Sky Starter SBk
Abbs Brian (Abbs Brian)
Item ID : 1488118
Seria : New Sky
SKU : VV1488118
ISBN : 9781405874809
Pages : 96
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2009
Publisher : Pearson ( Pearson )
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Abbs Brian (Abbs Brian)
Item ID : 1488118
Seria : New Sky
SKU : VV1488118
ISBN : 9781405874809
Pages : 96
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2009
Publisher : Pearson ( Pearson )
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Краткая аннотация
Аннотация к книге "New Sky. Starter. Student's Book" It's time for take off. Fasten your seatbelts, sit back and relax. New Sky still has everything that you loved from the previous edition, only better – including better photographs, revamped dialogs and modern texts. A smooth journey is guaranteed with more attention to mixed ability and all your testing needs covered. Cross-cultural and cross-curricular content opens students' minds to new horizons. Cruise through classes with New Sky where students achieve their goals and look forward to a new adventure every time they open their books. New Sky's cruise-controlled teaching includes: new characters, dialogs and situations engage students' interest new reading and listening passages keep students motivated new cross-cultural and cross-curricular content bring the world into the classroom new testing package covers all your assessment needs updated Activity Book provides practice and graded exercises for mixed ability classes
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