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British Rail - Wolmar Christian

British Rail
Wolmar Christian (Wolmar Christian)

Item ID : 1488144
SKU : VV1488144
ISBN : 9781405946278

Pages : 394
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2023
Publisher : Penguin ( Penguin )

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Аннотация к книге "British Rail" The authoritative and fascinating history of the rise and fall of the state-owned British Rail British Rail wasn't how we're asked to remember it... From ancient rolling stock to patchy service, stale sandwiches to the wrong kind of snow, British Rail - our last great state-owned organisation to be privatised - has received a terrible press. But after its controversial 1948 creation, British Rail was actually an innovative powerhouse that over five decades transformed the UK, creating one of the fastest regular rail services in the world. Award-winning journalist Christian Wolmar takes us from promise to punchline, exploring British Rail's birth into post-war austerity, the many battles and struggles to evolve what many considered to be a dinosaur, and how, at the height of its success, the service was misunderstood and unfairly maligned, ruthlessly broken up and privatised.

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