Camcorder Thief Reader - Brown Richard
Camcorder Thief Reader
Brown Richard (Brown Richard)
Item ID : 1488167
Seria : Macmillan English Explorers
SKU : VV1488167
ISBN : 9781380037879
Pages : 48
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2019
Publisher : Macmillan Education ( Macmillan Education )
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Brown Richard (Brown Richard)
Item ID : 1488167
Seria : Macmillan English Explorers
SKU : VV1488167
ISBN : 9781380037879
Pages : 48
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2019
Publisher : Macmillan Education ( Macmillan Education )
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Краткая аннотация
Аннотация к книге "Camcorder Thief Reader" Macmillan English Explorers is an exciting new reading programme developed specifically for children learning English in kindergartens and primary schools. Written with second language learners in mind, these books expose children to real language and develop their reading and vocabulary skills. Key features - Stories have been written using high-frequency words, plus story-specific words which as far as possible are clarified by illustrations - High-frequency words have been taken from the UK National Literacy Strategy and correlated with the Ladybird Key Words list and the words most commonly used by L1 children in their own writing - Phonetically-regular words are included where they can be used in a meaningful and contextualized way, but not to the detriment of the storyline - There are eight levels in the Macmillan English Explorers series, each consisting of several genres, including traditional tales, contemporary real-life stories, and comic...
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