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An Honourable Exit - Vuillard Eric

An Honourable Exit
Vuillard Eric (Vuillard Eric)

Item ID : 1488571
SKU : VV1488571
ISBN : 9781035003976

Pages : 181
Cover : Hardcover
Year : 2023
Publisher : Picador ( Picador )

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Аннотация к книге "An Honourable Exit" 19 October 1950. The war is not going to plan. In Paris, politicians gather to discuss what to do about Indochina. The conflict is unpopular back home in France: too expensive, and too far away for the public to care. Withdrawal is not an option – a global power cannot surrender to an army of peasants – but victory is impossible without more soldiers and more money. The soldiers can be sourced from the colonies, but the money is out of the question. A solution needs to be found. In this gripping and shocking novel, Eric Vuillard exposes the tangled web of politicians, bankers and titans of industry who all had a vested interest in France’s prolonged presence in lands far from Paris. Skilfully skewering the guilty, Vuillard shows us how key players in conflicts throughout history often have a motivation even deeper and darker than nationalism and political ideology – greed. As well as bringing scenes from the battlefields to life, Vuillard looks beyond this visceral reality on...

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