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Alienist (TV tie-in) B - Carr Caleb

Alienist (TV tie-in) B
Carr Caleb (Carr Caleb)

Item ID : 1488789
SKU : VV1488789
ISBN : 9780751574173

Pages : 536
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2018
Publisher : Sphere ( Sphere )

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Краткая аннотация

Аннотация к книге "The Alienist" Some things never change. New York City, 1896. Hypocrisy in high places is rife, police corruption commonplace, and a brutal killer is terrorising young male prostitutes. Unfortunately for Police Commissioner Theodore Roosevelt, the psychological profiling of murderers is a practice still in its infancy, struggling to make headway against the prejudices of those who prefer the mentally ill - and the 'alienists' who treat them - to be out of sight as well as out of mind. But as the body count rises, Roosevelt swallows his doubts and turns to the eminent alienist Dr Laszlo Kreizler to put a stop to the bloody murders - giving Kreizler a chance to take him further into the dark heart of criminality, and one step closer to death.

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