Little Miss Stubborn and the Unicorn - Hargreaves Adam
Little Miss Stubborn and the Unicorn
Hargreaves Adam (Hargreaves Adam)
Item ID : 1488838
Seria : Mr. Men & Little Miss Magic
SKU : VV1488838
ISBN : 9780755500833
Pages : 31
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2022
Publisher : Farshore ( Farshore )
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Hargreaves Adam (Hargreaves Adam)
Item ID : 1488838
Seria : Mr. Men & Little Miss Magic
SKU : VV1488838
ISBN : 9780755500833
Pages : 31
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2022
Publisher : Farshore ( Farshore )
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Краткая аннотация
Аннотация к книге "Little Miss Stubborn and the Unicorn" Do you believe in unicorns? Little Miss Stubborn certainly doesn't! But when her friends say that they have met one, she is determined to meet this strange horse. The Mr Men and Little Miss Magic series takes kids on a series of sparkling adventures where they meet some extraordinary characters including a dragon, an ogre, a mermaid, a princess, a fairy, pirates and many others. These colourful adventures will delight children of two years and upwards. Bold illustrations and funny stories make Mr Men and Little Miss the perfect story time experience.
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