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Court - Wolff Tracy

Wolff Tracy (Wolff Tracy)

Item ID : 1489070
Seria : Crave
SKU : VV1489070
ISBN : 9780349439112

Pages : 689
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2023
Publisher : Piatkus ( Piatkus )

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Краткая аннотация

Аннотация к книге "Court" No one survived the last battle unscathed. Flint is angry at the world, Jaxon is turning into something I don't recognize, and Hudson has put up a wall I'm not sure I'll ever break through. Now war is coming, and we're not ready. We're going to need an army to have any hope of winning. But first, there are questions about my ancestors that need answers. Answers that might just reveal who the real monster is among us. And that's saying something in a world filled with bloodthirsty vampires, immortal gargoyles, and an ancient battle between two gods. There's no guarantee that anyone will be left standing when the dust settles, but if we want to save this world, I have no choice. I'll have to embrace every part of me...even the parts I fear the most.

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