Time and Money Age 6-7 with Stickers - Streadfield Debbie
Time and Money Age 6-7 with Stickers
Streadfield Debbie (Streadfield Debbie)
Item ID : 1489111
Seria : Progress with Oxford
SKU : VV1489111
ISBN : 9780192768025
Pages : 32
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2019
Publisher : Oxford ( Oxford )
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Streadfield Debbie (Streadfield Debbie)
Item ID : 1489111
Seria : Progress with Oxford
SKU : VV1489111
ISBN : 9780192768025
Pages : 32
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2019
Publisher : Oxford ( Oxford )
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Аннотация к книге "Time and Money with Stickers. Age 6-7" This Progress with Oxford Time and Money Age 6-7 workbook will help your child to progress with time and money while having fun. Each Progress with Oxford book is focused on the skills your child will need to master at each stage of the school curriculum. The books are precisely matched to your child's age to make sure they are aligned with school expectations for their year, helping children to fully achieve their potential. The series has been created to help every child develop essential skills at home, with minimal help and support. Picture clues are used to show very young children how to complete activities, whilst reminder boxes, tips and advice support older children to become self-sufficient learners. A lively character accompanies your child through all the colourful and engaging activities, and fun stickers are included to reward their work. A handy progress chart at the end of each book captures their achievements, so you both know what to do next. Find further support on...
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