MCR4: England + CD Pack - Bladon Rachel
MCR4: England + CD Pack
Bladon Rachel (Bladon Rachel)
Item ID : 1489185
Seria : Macmillan Readers
SKU : VV1489185
ISBN : 9780230436428
Pages : 96
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2013
Publisher : Macmillan Education ( Macmillan Education )
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Bladon Rachel (Bladon Rachel)
Item ID : 1489185
Seria : Macmillan Readers
SKU : VV1489185
ISBN : 9780230436428
Pages : 96
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2013
Publisher : Macmillan Education ( Macmillan Education )
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Краткая аннотация
Аннотация к книге "England +CD" A new strand of readers focusing on countries and culture, and include chapters on history, traditions, daily life, cities, nature and sport. This title provides an informative and entertaining overview of English history, culture, traditions and sport, and the sights and people that have made this part of the United Kingdom famous. CD included. Key features: - Illustrated in full-colour photography throughout - Carefully graded text - Eight pages of extra exercises and Audio CDs and downloads - Free online support material on dedicated resource sites including Exercise Answer Keys, Extra exercises and Answer Keys, and projects, as well as a revised edition of the free teachers booklet, Using Graded Readers in the Classroom
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