BBC Earth: Animal Colors (PB) +downloadable audio - Godfrey Rachel
BBC Earth: Animal Colors (PB) +downloadable audio
Godfrey Rachel (Godfrey Rachel)
Item ID : 1489233
Seria : Ladybird Readers
SKU : VV1489233
ISBN : 9780241357927
Pages : 48
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2019
Publisher : Ladybird ( Ladybird )
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Godfrey Rachel (Godfrey Rachel)
Item ID : 1489233
Seria : Ladybird Readers
SKU : VV1489233
ISBN : 9780241357927
Pages : 48
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2019
Publisher : Ladybird ( Ladybird )
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Краткая аннотация
Аннотация к книге "BBC Earth. Animal Colors + downloadable audio" How does color help animals? Can you see the animals in their homes? Ladybird Readers is a graded reading series of traditional tales, popular characters, modern stories, and non-fiction, written for young learners of English as a foreign or second language. Recommended for children aged 4+, the six levels of Readers and Activity Books follow the CEFR framework (Pre-A1 to A2) and include language activities that help develop key skills and provide preparation for the Cambridge English: Young Learners (YLE) exams. This Level 1 Reader is Pre-A1 in the CEFR framework and supports YLE Starters exams. Short sentences contain a maximum of two clauses, using the present tense and some simple adjectives.
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