Человек, который смеется - Гюго Виктор
Chelovek, kotoryi smeetsia
Гюго Виктор (Giugo Viktor)
Item ID : 876592
Seria : Эксклюзивная классика
SKU : 548779
ISBN : 9785170915699
Pages : 704
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2024
Publisher : Аст ( Ast )
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Гюго Виктор (Giugo Viktor)
Item ID : 876592
Seria : Эксклюзивная классика
SKU : 548779
ISBN : 9785170915699
Pages : 704
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2024
Publisher : Аст ( Ast )
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Краткая аннотация
"Человек, который смеется" — один из наиболее известных романов Виктора Гюго.
В центре повестования Гуинплен, в раннем детстве похищеный бандитами, до неузнаваемости обезобразившими его лицо. Судьба преподнесла ему немало испытаний, но душу не искалечила — преодолев нелегкий путь от ярмарочного актера до лорда и члена парламента, он смог остаться честным и благородным человеком...
В центре повестования Гуинплен, в раннем детстве похищеный бандитами, до неузнаваемости обезобразившими его лицо. Судьба преподнесла ему немало испытаний, но душу не искалечила — преодолев нелегкий путь от ярмарочного актера до лорда и члена парламента, он смог остаться честным и благородным человеком...
Brief Summary
"The Man Who Laughs" is one of Victor Hugo's most famous novels.
"The Man Who Laughs" is a historical novel by V. Hugo about the events that took place in England at the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries.
In the center of the narrative Of Guinplain, in early childhood kidnapped by bandits, unrecognizably disfigured his face. Fate gave him many trials, but his soul did not cripple - having overcome the difficult path from a fair actor to a lord and a member of Parliament, he was able to remain an honest and noble man ...
"The Man Who Laughs" is a historical novel by V. Hugo about the events that took place in England at the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries.
In the center of the narrative Of Guinplain, in early childhood kidnapped by bandits, unrecognizably disfigured his face. Fate gave him many trials, but his soul did not cripple - having overcome the difficult path from a fair actor to a lord and a member of Parliament, he was able to remain an honest and noble man ...
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