English World 1 Gram PrB - Beare Nick
English World 1 Gram PrB
Beare Nick (Beare Nick)
Item ID : 948502
Seria : English World
SKU : VV948502
ISBN : 9780230032040
Pages : 48
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2009
Publisher : Macmillan ( Macmillan )
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Beare Nick (Beare Nick)
Item ID : 948502
Seria : English World
SKU : VV948502
ISBN : 9780230032040
Pages : 48
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2009
Publisher : Macmillan ( Macmillan )
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Краткая аннотация
English World is an internationally acclaimed English language learning series for primary schools. It uses best-practice methodology to encourage effective classroom teaching.
Active, whole-class learning is supported by grammar and skills work applied in natural contexts. The highly visual printed resources are complemented by digital material featuring video dialogues of native speakers, animated posters and sing-along versions of songs.
Packed with practical, course-specific resources, the English World online Teacher's Resource Centre provides tools to help teachers to manage classroom realities and to meet the needs of their pupils. Key features include: English World Starter Pack, core skills record sheets. Teacher Methodology Modules and a test builder.
Active, whole-class learning is supported by grammar and skills work applied in natural contexts. The highly visual printed resources are complemented by digital material featuring video dialogues of native speakers, animated posters and sing-along versions of songs.
Packed with practical, course-specific resources, the English World online Teacher's Resource Centre provides tools to help teachers to manage classroom realities and to meet the needs of their pupils. Key features include: English World Starter Pack, core skills record sheets. Teacher Methodology Modules and a test builder.
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